Quick Setup (No Coding Required)

You can start connecting WMS systems to Trackstar in minutes without writing any code using one of these methods:

  1. Inputting WMS credentials directly into the Trackstar dashboard.
  2. Sending a Magic Link to your customers to connect their WMS.

1. Inputting WMS Credentials

If your customer has provided you with their WMS credentials, you can input them directly into the Trackstar dashboard.

  1. Go to the Connections page in the Trackstar dashboard.
  2. Click the “Add Connection” button.
  3. Select the WMS you want to connect.
  4. Fill in the required fields (e.g. API key, username, password).
  5. An access token will be generated for you. This token is used to authenticate requests to Trackstar.

If you don’t have your customer’s WMS credentials, you can send them a Magic Link to connect their WMS.

  1. Go to the Connections page in the Trackstar dashboard.
  2. Click the “Generate Magic Link” button.
  3. Fill out the settings for the Magic Link (e.g. expiration time, available actions).
  4. Send the generated URL to your customer.
  5. Your customer will be able to connect their WMS by opening the link and entering their WMS credentials.
  6. Once completed, you can find the access token in the Trackstar dashboard.

Fully Embedded Setup (Coding Required)

The following guide will walk you through integrating Trackstar Link into your application. Trackstar Link is a javascript component that you embed in your frontend to allow your users to connect their WMS via Trackstar.

If you get stuck or have trouble, email us at support@trackstarhq.com.

Fully setting up Trackstar will require updates to both your frontend (FE) and backend (BE) code. We will denote which steps are for the frontend and which are for the backend.

Your frontend will make calls to your backend, which will in turn make calls to the Trackstar API. This gets the authorization necessary for your user to authenticate with Trackstar and the underlying APIs.

1. Get an API key

Request an API key by emailing support@trackstarhq.com.

Test it by making an API call to the POST /link/token endpoint to get a link token.

curl -X POST https://production.trackstarhq.com/link/token \
    -H 'x-trackstar-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

If successful, you should get a response like this:

  "link_token": "some_link_token"

Store this API key somewhere safe! This will be the API key for your whole organization.

2. Implement Token Exchange Endpoints (BE)

There are two backend API endpoints that you need to implement. (Note: you can name these endpoints whatever you want, but we will use the names /get-link-token and /store-token in this guide).

  • POST /get-link-token - Returns a temporary link token that is used to initialize the react-trackstar-link component.
  • POST /store-token - Exchanges a temporary auth code for a permanent access token and saves it to a database. This access token is associated with a customer and an integration (ShipBob, Extensiv, etc).

We will use a combination of Python + Flask or Node.js + Express + Axios in this guide, but you can use any language and framework you want.

Link tokens are temporary access keys granted to your frontend to make API calls on behalf of your organization. Your frontend will call this endpoint to get a link token. You will see this being called in step 4.

2.2 /store-token

After a user installs an integration, the frontend will send an auth code to the backend, along with any relevant customer data. The auth code is a temporary token that you must exchange via Trackstar’s /link/exchange endpoint to get a long-lived access_token.

Additionally, a connection_id and integration_name will be returned. Connection IDs are unique identifiers for each connected integration. You should store these in your database along with the access_token if you plan on utilizing Trackstar Webhooks.

In your frontend code, install the official react-trackstar-link package.

npm install @trackstar/react-trackstar-link


yarn add @trackstar/react-trackstar-link

In your frontend code, import the TrackstarConnectButton component and render it in your app.

import { TrackstarConnectButton } from '@trackstar/react-trackstar-link';

function App() {

  const someCustomerId = "12345";
  return (
      getLinkToken={async () => {
        // the endpoint you implemented in step 2.1
        const response = await fetch('https://my-company.backend.com/get-link-token',
            method: 'POST',
        const { linkToken } = await response.json();
        return linkToken;
      onSuccess={async (authCode, integrationName) =>
        // the endpoint you implemented in step 2.2
        await fetch('https://my-company.backend.com/store-token',
            method: 'POST',
            body: JSON.stringify({
              customer_id: someCustomerId,
              auth_code: authCode,
              integration_name: integrationName,
      onClose={() => console.log('closed')}
      onLoad={() => console.log('loaded')}
      // sandbox={true} // Set to true to include a "Sandbox" WMS in the list of integrations
      Connect your WMS

More documentation, including additional properties, can be found here.

5. Make API calls (BE)

Now you can use the access token to make API calls to Trackstar!

You can read the API reference for all supported operations.

6. Feedback

If this process took you a long time, or you got stuck, we want to know! Please email us at support@trackstarhq.com and let us know how we can improve this guide.