An order is a purchase made by a customer. It contains information about the order, including the individual line items. Each line item contains a product_id that can be passed to the /wms-api/products/{product_id} for more details. The line item may also include a sku.

Order Statuses (in order of lifecycle)

openOrder has been placed.
confirmedOrder has been confirmed by the warehouse.
processingOrder is being processed and items are being picked.
pickedItems in order have been picked.
packedItems in order have been packed.
partially_fulfilledOrder has been partially fulfilled.
fulfilledOrder has been fulfilled and shipped.
backorderedOrder cannot be fulfilled because of a lack of available inventory.
exceptionThere is an issue with the order.
cancelledOrder has been cancelled by either the warehouse or the customer.
otherStatus of the order can’t be determined. Often due to a custom status being used. See the raw_status field for more information